Kyle as a Person and Writer

When did you start writing?

I read novels for many years before I ever seriously considered writing one. Often, as I read a book, I would think, I would have done this or that with the plot or characters. I wrote a short story titled Grandma’s House in 1985 while living in Japan and then another three short stories while deployed onboard ships in the Pacific before and during the Gulf War, in late 1990 & 1991, but I didn’t even try to get these published at the time.

It wasn’t until I retired from the navy and started attending a local writer’s critique group that I learned enough about the craft of writing and, over time, grew confident enough of my writing to attempt a novel. Twenty-seven years after writing the original draft of Grandma’s House, I released my first novel, Titan Encounter, in July of 2012.


Which books and writers have influenced you?

I didn’t start reading novels until I was in Middle School. The first book I read was Starman Jones by Robert A. Heinlein. After that, I read all of Heinlein’s works. I also read many of the science fiction novels of Arthur C. Clark and Isaac Asimov, including his Foundation series.

During my teen years I started reading end-of-the-world books, a genre we now call post-apocalyptic. The first book in this genre I read was, The Earth Abides, by George Stewart. Later came books like Alas Babylon, On the Beach, Lucifer’s Hammer and many more.

I have never stopped reading and the list of authors that I enjoy continues to expand.


Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?

Kyle Pratt with the first book he ever read, Starman Jones by Robert A. Heinlein

Kyle Pratt with the first book he ever read, Starman Jones by Robert A. Heinlein

Yes, the first novel I read from cover-to-cover was Starman Jones by Robert A. Heinlein. The year was 1970 and I was in the eighth grade. My family had recently moved to a very rural area of Colorado, beyond the reach of television and most radio. One day in desperation for entertainment I borrowed the book from my sister who was also interested in science fiction. I never gave the book back to her and still have that original paperback copy of Starman Jones in my library. That book taught me that reading could be fun. I doubt I ever would have written a single story if I hadn’t first read Starman Jones and learned to enjoy reading.


Grandma's House by Kyle Pratt

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?

Yes, it is a short story titled Grandma’s House. I wrote the first draft in 1985 while stationed in Japan with the U.S. Navy. It is a Twilight Zone style sci-fi mystery of about 6,000 words. After recently revising and editing it, I now give it away to anyone who subscribes to my newsletter.



When you are not writing how do you spend your time?

Kyle Pratt, his dog Nikki and the new hive boxes

Until a few years ago I taught in the Alaskan Yup’ik Eskimo village of Eek. This village of about 300 people is in the Yukon, Kuskokwim delta region of Western Alaska. There are no roads to this village, so you travel there either by bush plane or cross country via boat or snowmobile. The school is by far the biggest building in the village and a big part of the social life of the community.

Starting in 2014 my books were selling well enough that I decided to retire (sort of) and write full-time.

Since 2002 I’ve had a home on a small farm in Washington state. That’s where I live now. So, when I’m not writing I’m mending fences, repairing gates, pruning the orchard, helping my wife with her large garden, raising chickens or tending my bee colonies. 

In the evening, when the farm chores are done and I’ve finished writing, I read. 


How do your personal beliefs influence your writing?

Kyle Pratt with copies of Titan Encounter

All writers are influenced by their personal belief system and I am no exception. First of all, I am a Christian. While none of my books are overtly Christian, they are all Christian friendly stories. Titan Encounter has the strongest religious element, but it isn’t explicitly Christian. However, anyone familiar with Christianity would see the themes. 

Final Duty, a military themed anthology, was written while I was at sea in the U.S. Navy and the customs and procedures of the navy are in both the Final Duty novella and the short story titled, The Promise.

In Through Many Fires the protagonist is an Army Veteran. My son, a former army medic, helped me get those details right. All of my books have a military element. I am proud of my twenty years in the military and proud of my family’s history of service. I am certain that pride comes through in my writing.


Do you call yourself a Christian Writer?

I am a Christian who happens to be a writer. As I mentioned earlier, Titan Encounter has the strongest religious focus of my current novels, but there is no mention of Christ or a Judeo-Christian God in the novel. However, any Christian reading the story would find Christian themes and parallels. Because I am a Christian I endeavor to write Christian friendly stories even when the book has no direct religious element.

How can I contact you?

The quickest way is to use the Let's Talk page on this website. I read all emails submitted using the contact form on that page.

You can also write an old fashioned letter to,

Kyle Pratt
Camden Cascade Publishing
P.O. Box 317
Napavine, WA. 98565

How can I get the latest news about you and your writing?

Click here and sign up for my free monthly newsletter. With the newsletter you can stay informed about other upcoming novels, novellas and short stories as well as discounts and giveaways.

If you’re interested in the day-to-day musings of my mind you can join my Facebook and/or Google + pages and follow me on Twitter. Also, there is a YouTube channel with videos both about the books, teaching in rural Alaska and more.   


Do you have a launch team and do you use beta readers?

Kyle Pratt visits with a beta-reader

Yes, I’m always looking for beta readers, reviewers, and people willing to help with the launch of a new book.

After the final editing beta readers receive advance digital copies of my work. They perform the final check by reading through for grammar, spelling and continuity errors. They need to be fast, but nit-picky readers. In return for this valuable service they receive signed first editions of the books they read and report on. If you’re interested, click here to contact me.

Reviewers receive free digital copies of new books just before release. I need them to have their review ready on the release date. If you’re interested in being a reviewer, click here to contact me.


 About the Books

What are you working on now and when will your next book be released?

I’m always working on at least one story, and usually more. You can check the projects page of this website to see what I’m working on right now. However, the best way to know about upcoming books is to sign up for my FREE monthly email newsletter here.


How can I get my book autographed? Do you mind signing previously purchased books?

I would be happy to sign your book. Let me know how you want the book personalized and send the book along with a self-addressed, U.S. stamped mailer (preferably a bubble wrap package) to this address. 


Kyle Pratt

Camden Cascade Publishing

P.O. Box 317

Napavine, WA. 98565


Do you provide free copies of your books for bloggers and reviewers?

That depends on the format you want. I’d like to increase the number of bloggers and reviewers I work with, but my promotion budget is very limited. Paperback books are sent to a limited number of reviewers just before the official release. However, if you’re interested in one of my books for a blogpost or review, and are willing to accept an ebook copy, please contact me at   


The Website

Why are your Facebook and Google Plus pages called KyleonKindle?

When I started writing I thought of it more as a hobby that would hopefully pay for itself with a few sales. I called everything, the website, Twitter and Facebook pages KyleonKinde because my first two books, Titan Encounter and Final Duty – The Alien War Anthology were only published as Kindle books. By the time Through Many Fires was released I had come to the realization this was bigger than simply a few Kindle books.  

My books are now available in most formats and are distributed worldwide. While Amazon seems happy with the KyleonKindle name (at least they haven’t complained) other distributors of my books (Apple, Nook, Kobo and Smashwords) don’t appreciate it.

In short I am no longer just Kyle on Kindle, but I have kept the name. You can still reach the website using, I’ve just added Facebook and Google Plus don’t allow name changes so, rather than create new sites, I left them as they were.